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Even before kings he was not ashamed, and in God's name bade Richard of England provide for his three daughters.
"Liar!" said the angry king, " I have no daughter."
"Nay! thou hast three evil daughters Pride, Lust, and Luxury."
With mocking words Richard turned to his courtiers :
"He bids me marry my daughters. I give Pride to the Templars, Lust to the Cistercians, and Luxury to the prelates."
вот дюжина версий этого анекдота - и при том, не то что "дочери" разнятся, так и "женихи" не всегда одни и те же.
"Liar!" said the angry king, " I have no daughter."
"Nay! thou hast three evil daughters Pride, Lust, and Luxury."
With mocking words Richard turned to his courtiers :
"He bids me marry my daughters. I give Pride to the Templars, Lust to the Cistercians, and Luxury to the prelates."
вот дюжина версий этого анекдота - и при том, не то что "дочери" разнятся, так и "женихи" не всегда одни и те же.