Вместо флейты подымем флягу...
Hidden from the human sight,
Walk their paths under moonlight,
Fairies pass the change of ages,
Yet themselves remain unchanged.
"Steal kiss from lips of maiden,
Steal child from the cradle,
Steal sweets and milk from vat,
Steal this and steal that!"
But if dog will rise and bark,
Cat keep hiss unto the dark,
Fairies surely haze away,
To return another day.
Walk their paths under moonlight,
Fairies pass the change of ages,
Yet themselves remain unchanged.
"Steal kiss from lips of maiden,
Steal child from the cradle,
Steal sweets and milk from vat,
Steal this and steal that!"
But if dog will rise and bark,
Cat keep hiss unto the dark,
Fairies surely haze away,
To return another day.