... пациенты и психиаторы клиники проходят друг у друга освидетельствование психической нормальности.

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Для сравнения:

10 - Человек Осени. Серое существо, одним свом присутствием исключающее возможность мечты, сказки и чуда.

7 - рейтинг банальности среднестатистического обывателя, проводящего день за вытачиванием гаек, а вечер за передачей "Всё о футболе".

3 - ребёнок, верящий в сказку, на Хэллоуин прячущийся от темноты под одеялом, а на Рождество ожидающий прихода эльфов и Санта Клауса.

1 - безумец. Алиса в Стране Чудес. А может быть даже Болванщик.

1. Do you believe in True Love/Romance?

2. Do you believe in Love at First sight?

3. Do you have your own rituals/superstitions, which other people might think silly?

4. If someone called you a 'grown up' would you take it as an insult?

5. Do you believe in Faeries?

6. Do you believe in Magic?

7. Do you believe that there does not have to be a scientific explanation for everything?

8. Do you like reading fiction more than nonfiction (newspapers and Magazines etc. count as nonficiton, mostly)?

9. Would you rather go to a small store where you know the owner, rather than a big chain store where the prices are cheaper?

10. Sometimes when reading a really good book do you deep down wish, want, or think that it could be true?

11. Is a person who takes time out of work to take a creative writing or art class NOT wasting his time?

12. Do you listen to music often?

13. Do you listen to many different kinds of music?

14. Do you catch yourself daydreaming often?

15 Do you like to draw/paint/write etc.?

16. Do you vary your route when going to an often visited place?

17. Can little kids really see things grown ups can't?

18. Do you ever enjoy walking through pouring rain (assuming its not freezing cold)?

19. Do you prefer reading books to watching TV?

20. Do you own any Out of the ordinary items: Unusual musical instruments/sculptures/paintings, archaic weapons (long swords and stuff, not calvary sabres), etc.?