Просьба всем читающим откоментить в этом посте, какой из кодексов ближе вам.

The Seelie Code

• Death before dishonor,

Chivalry still lives. Honor is the most important

virtue, the source of all glory. Personal honor must always

be kept stainless. Sometimes death is the only path which

can erase a mark of dishonor.

• Love conquers all.

Love lies at the heart of the Dreaming. True love

transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.

Courtly love best expresses love in its highest form, although

familial love and love of companions also serve as

pure embodiments of that exalted virtue. Anything is

permitted in the name of true love.

• Beauty is life.

Beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, white it cannot

be defined, is always recognized for itself. Beauty is the muse of

creation, the ultimate flowering of the Dreaming. Once found,

it must be protected, for it is both eternal and fragile. To die in

the service of beauty is an honor and a privilege.

• Never forget a debt.

One gift deserves another. The recipient of a gift is

obligated to return the favor. Likewise, a curse should be

returned in kind. An oath of friendship should be answered

with a corresponding oath. Never refuse to aid anyone to

whom you are indebted. Never forget a kindness... or a cruelty.

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